Despondent, Trump flips through the TV coverage of the protests outside the White House
Alone, abandoned I’ll stay ‘til the bitter end
All of them have left me at least I have my best friends
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me
My, my, my, my, myself and
Me, me, me, me, myself and [pointing to himself on TV] you.
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me
My, my, my, my, myself and
Me, me, me, me, myself and you.
I’ve lost but won’t admit it to admit it is to lose
Some decisions I regret now but at least my companions I can choose
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me
My, my, my, my, myself and
Me, me, me, me, myself and [pointing to himself on TV] you.
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me
My, my, my, my, myself and
Me, me, me, me, myself and you.
He pauses the TV on a protester who’s sign says “Trump – the world doesn’t revolve around you!” and next to her a sign of a snake with Trump’s fanged head that reads “You’re poisoning America!” At this point he has a revelation, and in a profound change of facial expression and body language, agitatedly he gets up and scribbles some thoughts with a sharpie – all this while the “moment of clarity” theme plays for the first time.