Act 2

Me, Myself and You

November 6, 2018

Despondent, Trump flips through the TV coverage of the protests outside the White House

Alone, abandoned                                 I’ll stay ‘til the bitter end

All of them have left me                      at least I have my best friends

      Me, me, me, me, me, me, me

      My, my, my, my, myself and

      Me, me, me, me, myself and [pointing to himself on TV] you.

      Me, me, me, me, me, me, me

      My, my, my, my, myself and

      Me, me, me, me, myself and you.

I’ve lost but won’t admit it                  to admit it is to lose

Some decisions I regret now              but at least my companions I can choose

      Me, me, me, me, me, me, me

      My, my, my, my, myself and

      Me, me, me, me, myself and [pointing to himself on TV] you.

      Me, me, me, me, me, me, me

      My, my, my, my, myself and

      Me, me, me, me, myself and you.

He pauses the TV on a protester who’s sign says “Trump – the world doesn’t revolve around you!” and next to her a sign of a snake with Trump’s fanged head that reads “You’re poisoning America!” At this point he has a revelation, and in a profound change of facial expression and body language, agitatedly he gets up and scribbles some thoughts with a sharpie – all this while the “moment of clarity” theme plays for the first time.